Wednesday 18 July 2012


The trick to slimming down is choosing foods that help fire up your metabolism and or leave you feeling full so you don't go all bottomless pit at your next meal.

When a craving for creamy comfort food hits, pop a package of instant flavored oatmeal into the microwave. Each has about 100 calories of belly-filling oat grains and fiber.

Whisk together for egg whites and yolk with sliced peppers or tomatoes, and cook in skillet over medium heat. The result: healthy, flavorful snack under 150 calories. Most of the protein in eggs is found in the whites, and protein boosts your metabolism.

Made from soy rather than meat, these guiltless substitute are flavorful yet low in fat. With just 100 calories each, it can be eaten on a whole-wheat bun without your going over your snack calorie quota. 

You've desperate for fast-food fries, but there are 380 calories in medium sized fries. So, make these faux fries- the same amount has half the calories . Here's how easy it is: Cut thin slices of sweet potato, brush with one teaspoon olive oil, sprinkle on some salt or cinnamon, and then baked them at 425 degrees for 30 minutes. Sweet potato contains satisfying fiber, which stabilizes blood sugar, keeping you from craving even more junk food later on in the day.

A single microwavable serving without butter or flavoring has about 130 calories- that's 3 1/2 cups of popcorn for fewer calories. The serving is low in fat and surprisingly high in fiber.

This is loaded with fiber; it fill you up quickly and keep you that way for a long time. Slices from half an apple eaten with 1 1/2 tablespoon of peanut butter run you about 200 calories.

this trendy, tangy, and portable snack is high in protein and lo in sugar, and some brands have fewer than 80 calories in a single serving container. a recent study found that people who ate three servings a day had a healthier body weight than those who didn't eat yogurt.

Chewy, fiber-rich dried fruit (make sure that there is no sugar added) appeases your sweet tooth and helps keep you feeling fuller longer than most vendo treats do. One-third cup of dried mangoes has fewer than 150 calories.

Don't let the fact that nuts are high in fat scare you; the monosaturated kind keeps your heart healthy and is filling. And, your body burns calories just to digest all that protein. Keep your daily intake to 1/4 cup, which is about 200 calories.

Cheese has always considered a weight-loss enemy, and most diets warn you away from it. But high-protein, part-skim string cheese is terrific slim-down food. One package has about six grams of protein and fewer than 75 calories. And it doesn't need to be refrigerated constantly, so you can pop a few in your purse for when you find yourself facing a snack emergency.


Feeling the urge to snack when you've eaten recently can be sign that you're dehydrated, nutritionists say. Drink a glass of water and see if the craving disappears.
It's psychological cue to your brain that you are finished eating for a while. Plus, there's just something about having a minty, squeaky clean mouth that makes you want to keep it away.
Even if it's a quick lap around your office or a stroll down block, a few minutes of exercise in addition to change of scenery can help take your mind off eating, say a weight loss experts.

Monday 9 July 2012

Beauty Comes From Being Healthy

Beauty Comes From Being Healthy 

When you're healthy , you exude effortless beauty. And having good habits and enough iron is key to keep you looking fabulous from head to toe. 

Nothing beats a soothing hot bath. To make it more relaxing, add some rose petals or chamomile or lavender drops in a tub of warm water to soothe the body and skin. You can also massage your whole body with coconut oil or aroma oils like rosemary and lavender. A mixture of equal parts of rose water, glycerin and lemon juice makes for the best yet budget-friendly body lotion that can be used daily as a moisturizer for your skin.

It goes a long way if you wash your face every morning and every night. It's a big NO to doze off with all the oil, dirt and makeup on your face, so make sure you clean your face thoroughly to get them all off. Also, never poke your pimples as this may make matters worse by spreading the germs and cause more pimples to sprout. Regularly exfoliate your skin, face and body, once a week to remove dead surface layers and allow the new smooth skin cells to show through. Common household item such as baking soda, granulated sugar and raw oats can be used as exfoliators. And if  you lack sleep, feel tired , applying an iced cube all over your face can make you look instantly refresh and awake, and doing so also reduces puffy eyes. Last but not the least, keep your nails clean and your lips always moisturized. Applying lip balm before you sleep makes for soft supple lips next day. And it's an added bonus for your man. 

Do your hair a favor and don't over-do your hair. Take a break from harsh hair products and treatments that sometimes can do more harm than good. Conditioning everyday can weigh your hair down, it makes your shampoo cleanse less effectively, so condition every other day or twice a week. This usually varies depending on your hair type, so do what's best for your hair. It's also good to have a haircut every two months to get rid of unwanted split ends you don't want your friends to see.  

Both apple and water can do wonders for your skin. Pectin, a substance found mostly just beneath the skin of apples, helps get rid of toxins in the intestines. Thus, eating unpeeled apples can help improve your skin. But remember to wash your fruits under running water first to remove surface germs. 

The element of life , water , not only removes toxins from the body and digestive tract, it also hydrates your skin and your whole, so get to drink water as much as you can. It is essential for proper digestion, circulation and blood vessel flexibility as well. To get the full benefits of water take at least 7-10 average sized glasses of water each day, but you can always take more than that amount. Carbonated drinks like sodas and fruit juices don't count, since they contain carbon dioxide that the body considers a waste product.

Monday 2 July 2012

How to Keep Your Child Healthy

As parent, you can help your child avoid many illnesses and health problems by providing a basic framework of good health care. This framework should consist of well-balanced diet, plenty of exercise , reasonable safety precautions. and regular medical checkups. You can't always prevent your child in getting sick, but, if you follow the advice, you'll  provide your child with a foundation for good health that should help him or her recover from any illnesses. With your guidance and encouragement, your child can establish a pattern of healthy living for the rest of his or her life.

A child who eat a well-balanced diet that contains sufficient quantities of essential nutrients is likely to grow and develop at the expected rate and will be less susceptible to, and more likely to recover from, many of the minor illnesses of childhood. Children who establish good eating habits often continue them as adult. As your child grows older, provide a balanced diet of a variety of nutritious foods, including poultry, fish, meats, beans and legumes, dairy products, whole-grain products (breads and cereals), and fresh fruits and vegetables. Keep processed foods to a minimum and limit your child's consumption of sugary foods, which can lead to obesity and tooth decay, and foods high in salt and fat, which can contribute to illness later in life.

 Some helpful tips in choosing the right food for your child.
Good breakfast might be..
- A whole-grain cereal with milk (high in fiber and vitamins)
-A glass of orange juice (high in vitamin C)
-Whole-grain toast with margarine, jam, fruit spread,and eggs (high in fiber and carbohydrates,moderate in protein)
Typical lunch might be..
-Peanut butter sandwich on whole-grain bread (high in fiber and carbohydrates and proteins)
-Low-sugar, low-fat oatmeal cookies  (high in fiber and carbohydrates) 
-Milk (good source of calcium)
Typical dinner might consist of.. 
-Baked potato with grated low-fat cheese  (high in protein and carbohydrates, medium in fiber and vitamins)
-Fish and vegetable salad (high in protein and vitamins)
-Fresh fruits ( high in fiber and vitamins).

Exercise is essential for children. It helps them develop strong muscles and a healthy heart and lungs. Encourage your child to exercise. Give your baby a safe environment so he or she can play freely on the floor. Take your toddler on frequent playground outings and walks; don't confine him or her to the stroller. Many children develop sedentary life-styles from watching television and playing video games all day; encourage your older children to spend more time outdoors in active play. Organized sports are fine, but any activity that gets your child up and running is a good choice. What's most important is to find activities your child enjoys. Better yet, make exercise something the whole family can enjoy.

Every child should be taken to visit the doctor for regular checkups. These visits will give you the opportunity to discuss your child's progress and any matters concern, and will ensure that minor problems are noticed before they become more serious. 
The most important element in preventive medical care for your child is immunization against a range of infectious diseases. Immunization must be part of your child's regular health care program. Your doctor can advise you on an appropriate immunization schedule.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Sleeplessness effect on your Health

Most people sleep, on average, 7 to 8 hours each night, though some people need more sleep while others need a good deal less. There is no cause for concern if, for example you get 5 to 6 hours sleep, as long as you feel rested and well during the day. There is also no harm in having occasional restless night; you will make up for this by sleeping longer the following night. However, long periods without sufficient sleep or in which sleep is regularly broken can have a harmful effect on your physical and mental health.


If you find that you cannot get to sleep as soon as you go to bed, try not to worry about it; this will only make matters worse. Even if you just relax or doze for a few hours you will probably be getting enough rest. The following self-help suggestions may help you get a good night's sleep:
  1. Try to do some form of physical exercise during the day so that your body needs rest because it is tired. A short, gentle stroll in the open air an hour or so before going to bed may also help.
  2. A full stomach generally is not conducive to sleep, but a warm, milky drink at bedtime may help you to feel sleepy.
  3. Avoid heavy drinking.
  4. A warm bath is often relaxing. A shower may not be a good idea if it is too invigorating.
  5. Recreational reading, which is not associated with work or study, often makes people sleepy.
  6. Make sure that you are neither too hot nor too cold. Most people sleep best in room temperature of 60 to 65 degree Fahrenheit. 
  7. Make your environment as conducive to sleep as possible. Make sure that there are no irritating, dripping faucets or knocking radiators. A comfortable bed will help.
  8. Sex may help you relax and fall asleep.

The Effects of Alcohol in our Health

The main immediate effect of alcohol is to dull the reactions of the brain. In small quantities, this can produce a pleasantly relaxed feeling but in larger amounts can lead to gross impairment of memory, judgement, coordination, and emotional reactions.
Alcohol also widens the blood vessels, making you feel temporarily warm. However, body heat is rapidly lost from the dilated blood vessels and this can lead to severe chilling (Hypothermia).
After a heavy drinking session, you are likely to feel tired and nauseated, and may have a headache, as a result of dehydration and the damaging effect of alcohol on the stomach and intestines.

Regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol can lead to the following serious health problems:

  • Liver damage (which can lead to cirrhosis so that the body can no longer process nutrients or drugs) is almost inevitable.
  • Addiction with accompanying social problems.
  • Damage to the heart and pancreas.
  • Malnutrition, stomach irritation, lowered resistance to disease, irreversible brain or nervous system damage.

Be Fit and Healthy

Regular exercise benefits your health. You will sleep better, wake more refreshed, feel more alert, and be able to concentrate much longer. Exercising regularly will help you control your weight and help you build up your stamina- your staying power and endurance- which will in turn improve your physical and mental capacity for everyday activities . Regular and strenuous physical activity can help prevent and alleviate minor depression. There is evidence that regular weight-bearing exercise, such as walking briskly, can help delay the process of bone thinning (Osteoporosis), a disorder common in postmenopausal women.

Three 20-minute sessions a week at regular intervals will put you on the road to fitness and well-being. Choose a moderate level of activity; you should never exert yourself to the point where you feel dizzy or faint. It is important to find an activity that you enjoy, or you may lack the motivation to continue your exercise routine over a period of time.

If you are thinking of starting a new sport or other form of exercise training, and if you are not accustomed to regular exercise, remember the following points:
  • Do not be overambitious at first in the goals you set for yourself; it is safer to try to increase your level of fitness gradually.
  • Make sure that your clothing and equipment are suitable.
  • Always do some warm-up exercises before each session, to reduce the likelihood of Sprains and Strains.
  • If any exercise or movement becomes painful, stop at once. Pain is a sign of damage.

Consult your Doctor before starting any exercise activity for the first time if you are in any of the following categories:
  •  If you are over 60 years of age, or if you are over 40 and have not exercised regularly since reaching adulthood.
  • If you are heavy smoker (i.e., you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day)
  • If you are overweight 
  • If you are under a doctor's care for a long-term health problem, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or kidney disease.
  • If you are pregnant. 

Heart Healthy Diet

Diet plays a fundamental part in determining general health. In order to function efficiently, your body needs adequate amounts of each of the various nutrients. It is important that you avoid eating too many processed foods, which are not high in nutrients but are high in calories. An excessive amount of refined carbohydrates in the form of white flour foodstuffs and simple sugars has been linked with obesity and a variety of diseases related to obesity. Eating too much fat has been related to heart and arterial disease. People whose diets are extremely high in fats and sugars may have elevated levels of blood cholesterol and triglyceride, the two blood fats that have been linked with obstructed blood flow and hardening of the arteries that lead to the heart.

Dangers of Smoking

If you smoke, quit. Smoking is the main cause of many serious illnesses including lung cancer and diseases of the heart and circulation. If you smoke regularly, you are probably reducing your life expectancy by about 5 minutes with each cigarette you smoke.

Tobacco smoke contains at least three dangerous substances: tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide.

TAR- in tobacco smoke collects as a sticky deposits that clogs and irritates the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract. This can lead to diseases such as Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema and, in some cases, can cause Lung Cancer, a life-threatening disease that is almost unknown in nonsmokers. The toxic chemicals in tar are also absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted in the urine. The presence of such substances in the bladder is known to contribute to the development of Bladder Cancer.

NICOTINE- is highly addictive drug that acts on the nervous system, increasing the heart rate and the risk of developing abnormal heart rhythms.

CARBON MONOXIDE- absorbed into the bloodstream from tobacco smoke, reduces the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body cells and therefore exaggerates the effects of any circulatory disorder. In addition, carbon monoxide may encourage the formation of substances that help block the arteries and cause Fatal Heart Attacks and disabling circulation problems in the legs.

Safeguarding your Health

Your health and susceptibility to disease are determined partly by your life-style and partly by inherited factors. Whether or not you come from a long-lived, healthy family reducing the risks factors in your life-by improving your diet, reducing your alcohol intake, giving up smoking, and getting more exercise- can help you physically fit and prevent disease. You can improve your physical well-being at any age by adopting a healthier life-style.