Sunday 1 July 2012

The Effects of Alcohol in our Health

The main immediate effect of alcohol is to dull the reactions of the brain. In small quantities, this can produce a pleasantly relaxed feeling but in larger amounts can lead to gross impairment of memory, judgement, coordination, and emotional reactions.
Alcohol also widens the blood vessels, making you feel temporarily warm. However, body heat is rapidly lost from the dilated blood vessels and this can lead to severe chilling (Hypothermia).
After a heavy drinking session, you are likely to feel tired and nauseated, and may have a headache, as a result of dehydration and the damaging effect of alcohol on the stomach and intestines.

Regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol can lead to the following serious health problems:

  • Liver damage (which can lead to cirrhosis so that the body can no longer process nutrients or drugs) is almost inevitable.
  • Addiction with accompanying social problems.
  • Damage to the heart and pancreas.
  • Malnutrition, stomach irritation, lowered resistance to disease, irreversible brain or nervous system damage.

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