Monday 9 July 2012

Beauty Comes From Being Healthy

Beauty Comes From Being Healthy 

When you're healthy , you exude effortless beauty. And having good habits and enough iron is key to keep you looking fabulous from head to toe. 

Nothing beats a soothing hot bath. To make it more relaxing, add some rose petals or chamomile or lavender drops in a tub of warm water to soothe the body and skin. You can also massage your whole body with coconut oil or aroma oils like rosemary and lavender. A mixture of equal parts of rose water, glycerin and lemon juice makes for the best yet budget-friendly body lotion that can be used daily as a moisturizer for your skin.

It goes a long way if you wash your face every morning and every night. It's a big NO to doze off with all the oil, dirt and makeup on your face, so make sure you clean your face thoroughly to get them all off. Also, never poke your pimples as this may make matters worse by spreading the germs and cause more pimples to sprout. Regularly exfoliate your skin, face and body, once a week to remove dead surface layers and allow the new smooth skin cells to show through. Common household item such as baking soda, granulated sugar and raw oats can be used as exfoliators. And if  you lack sleep, feel tired , applying an iced cube all over your face can make you look instantly refresh and awake, and doing so also reduces puffy eyes. Last but not the least, keep your nails clean and your lips always moisturized. Applying lip balm before you sleep makes for soft supple lips next day. And it's an added bonus for your man. 

Do your hair a favor and don't over-do your hair. Take a break from harsh hair products and treatments that sometimes can do more harm than good. Conditioning everyday can weigh your hair down, it makes your shampoo cleanse less effectively, so condition every other day or twice a week. This usually varies depending on your hair type, so do what's best for your hair. It's also good to have a haircut every two months to get rid of unwanted split ends you don't want your friends to see.  

Both apple and water can do wonders for your skin. Pectin, a substance found mostly just beneath the skin of apples, helps get rid of toxins in the intestines. Thus, eating unpeeled apples can help improve your skin. But remember to wash your fruits under running water first to remove surface germs. 

The element of life , water , not only removes toxins from the body and digestive tract, it also hydrates your skin and your whole, so get to drink water as much as you can. It is essential for proper digestion, circulation and blood vessel flexibility as well. To get the full benefits of water take at least 7-10 average sized glasses of water each day, but you can always take more than that amount. Carbonated drinks like sodas and fruit juices don't count, since they contain carbon dioxide that the body considers a waste product.

1 comment:

  1. living a healthy life.
